Dr. Margot’s Blog

Mood & Stress

How Stress Impacts Your Nervous System: Understanding the Cortisol Connection

No matter how you define it, in today's fast-paced world stress seems to be an inevitable part of daily life. As a naturopathic doctor, each and everyone of my patients is met with life challenges such as looming deadlines, financial pressures, or family situations which take a toll on their mental and physical well-being. But have you ever stopped to consider how stress actually affects your body? In this article, we'll dive into the intricate relationship between stress, cortisol, and your nervous system, highlighting the impact that chronic stress can have on your health.

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Mood & Stress

3 Vagal Nerve Exercises to Calm the Nervous System Response

Energy & Sleep

4 Herbs to Help You Sleep Better

Energy & Sleep

Transform Your Nights: The Ultimate Lifestyle Change for Better Sleep

Energy & Sleep

The Intricate Balance of Hormones in Fatigue: A Naturopathic Perspective


Unlocking the Surprising Link Between Skin Health and Stress: Acupuncture as the Solution

Immune Balance

Home Remedies for Common Cold Symptoms

Immune Balance

Building Your Cold & Flu Home Tool Kit

Detox & Toxic Burden

Eczema Culprits: Identifying and Avoiding Common Triggers

Mood & Stress

Cortisol Levels: Testing Methods and Symptoms of Imbalance Explained

Sex Hormones

Get Clear Skin Through Your Diet: Essential Vitamins & Nutrients to Help with Acne

Energy & Sleep

3 Key Reasons You May Not Be Sleeping Well

Detox & Toxic Burden

3 Liver Loving Herbs to Help Your Body Naturally Detox

Diet & Digestion

What is a Food Sensitivity?

Diet & Digestion

Do I Have Leaky Gut?

Mood & Stress

3 Nutrients to Test on Blood Work If You Are Feeling Down This Winter

Sex Hormones

5 Tips to Prepare for Pregnancy

Diet & Digestion

Should I take a probiotic? And what is a prebiotic anyways?


Acupuncture for Headaches and Neck Pain + 3 Simple Acupressure Points to Try at Home

Herbal Medicine

3 Herbs to Help You Manage Stress

Detox & Toxic Burden

Going Natural: Practical Tips for “Cleaning” Up Your Household & Skin Care Products


4 Options for Your Child’s Eczema to Try at Home:

Herbal Medicine

4 Ways to Use Lavender